Arizona Master Naturalist Maricopa Parks Chapter - Interest List

Thank you for your interest in the Master Naturalist Program!  Like you, the Arizona Master Naturalist Association cares deeply about the natural world. We offer volunteers an opportunity to take their leadership to the next level, and we hope you will join us.  

As a Master Naturalist intern, you will experience hands-on learning, lecture, and field work, with top-notch local experts and your intern cohorts. Classes run weekly for 18 weeks with a focus on the ecosystems, flora and fauna along with the natural and cultural history of Arizona. Within the first year, Master Naturalist interns also complete 20 hours of volunteer work, and 20 hours of continuing education.

Master Naturalists aspire to be effective communicators in the community and our program is aligned with the Arizona Association of Environmental Educators approach to environmental literacy and professionalism. Our program provides Natural and Cultural History community partners with skilled and dedicated volunteers to enhance their citizen science, education, and stewardship efforts.

The next Maricopa County Parks Master Naturalist class will begin in January.  We will let you know when more details are available. In the meantime, we’ve added you to our email list for our newsletter and event announcements. 

Be sure to email us at with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.

Maricopa County Parks Master Naturalists

Note: The Arizona Master Naturalist Association (AZMNA) is an organization operating as a member of the Alliance for Natural Resource Outreach Providers. AZMNA is not affiliated with any of our state universities, though we often utilize faculty and other content providers as instructors for the classroom portion of the program. At this time the organization is entirely run by volunteer power.

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